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Dr. Tollestrup and Patients from the Middle East

How do patients in the Middle East get help for nerve pain that has gone undiagnosed? Although it is a lengthy process, patients do travel to see Dr. Tollestrup in Nevada from the Middle East. In this video he answers a question about doctors in the Middle East who...

Ask Dr. Tollestrup: Peripheral Nerve Surgeon Answers Questions About Chronic Pain from a Facebook Live Event

Dr. Tollestrup addresses questions submitted by people dealing with chronic pain problems. Below is an approximate time log of the topics covered. However within these topics Dr. Tollestrup addresses a wide variety of big picture issues including the importance of...

Two Peripheral Nerve Surgeries to Relieve Piriformis and Sciatica Pain: Karen’s Long Road Back

Karen’s pain journey is typical of patients with nerve pain, if there is such a thing. She woke up one day with sciatica pain that became excruciating to the point of debilitating. She tried many treatments including but not limited to pain injections, deep...