Dr. Tollestrup Helps Patient Overcome Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Chronic Pain

Dr. Tollestrup performed nerve decompression surgery to heal carpal tunnel syndrome*.
Dr. Tim Tollestrup met Stephanie when she came to see him seeking relief for the chronic pain and carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms she was experiencing. For seven years she suffered from severe pain and numbness in her right hand. She had similiar, less acute symptoms in her left hand.
Three years ago she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and was labeled as a borderline diabetic. Both of these conditions are risk factors for developing neuropathy symptoms.
As time passed, Stephanie started to develop excruciating pain in her right hand which she described as feeling like her hand was on fire. This was followed by deterioration in her grip strength in both hands.
Eventually it got to the point where even using her right hand to do something as simple as writing would cause the pain in the right hand to become unbearable. The worst part for Stephanie was that she would usually suffer the most severe pain at night which left her unable to sleep for more than an hour or two at a time before the pain would wake her back up. This left her chronically fatigued and going through her days in a sleep-deprived daze.
Stephanie was seen by a neurologist for the pain and numbness. The neurologist just told her that the pain was probably due to her diabetes and that she should increase the dose of Gabapentin, a narcotic pain medication, that she was taking.
After thoroughly evaluating Stephanie, Dr. Tollestrup diagnosed the source of the pain in her right arm and hand as a compression or entrapment of the median nerve both at the level of the elbow and the level of the wrist, commonly called carpal tunnel syndrome.
Stephanie underwent surgery to relieve the pressure on the median nerve at both the elbow and wrist level. Stephanie knew almost immediately after surgery that her original problem was better. She no longer had the constant pain and numbness in the right hand and was able to sleep through the night again. Stephanie is now two months post-op and her right hand has had return of normal sensation and remains pain-free.
Stephanie is thankful for the relief she is experiencing*.
“Dr. Tollestrup changed my life. My right hand and arm were in severe pain. I couldn’t write or sleep at night. Since the surgery I have not had one minute of pain. Dr. Tollestrup is the best!”
We do not guarantee any specific results or outcomes for surgery, should our practice work on your behalf. Information on this website may be used as a reference for successes we’ve achieved for our patients, and not as an assurance or guarantee for similar results in all instances.