Jun 26, 2017 | Peripheral Neuropathy, Success Stories, Videos
Peripheral Neuropathy Sidelined Young Mother April Anderson is representative of the millions of patients who suffer from symptoms associated with peripheral neuropathy. April was in such bad shape that she couldn’t write or walk for long distances. When she...
Apr 20, 2017 | Peripheral Neuropathy, Success Stories, Videos
Barbara Beats Peripheral Neuropathy Thanks to Nerve Decompression Surgeries Barbara is a 75-year-old woman who came to see Dr. Tim Tollestrup because of peripheral neuropathy symptoms. The 75 year old had been suffering from neuropathy symptoms in both feet for five...
Feb 10, 2017 | Peripheral Neuropathy, Success Stories
Like Mother, Like Daughter – Nerve Pain Relief Thanks to Dr. Tollestrup Dr. Tim Tollestrup performed surgery on a mother and daughter suffering from peripheral nerve pain caused by peripheral nerve compression. They had different problems but enjoyed the same...
Nov 29, 2016 | Educational Articles, Peripheral Neuropathy
Often, Dr. Tim Tollestrup takes time to answer questions commonly asked by patients. In this post, he discusses when it may be the right time to have nerve surgery: One of the questions I’m most asked is this: “If I have peripheral neuropathy, when is the right time...
Mar 17, 2013 | Educational Articles, Peripheral Neuropathy
Timothy W. Tollestrup, M.D., one of four Peripheral Surgeons in United States, graduated from the University of Utah’s School of Medicine. Prior to this, Dr. Tollestrup also received a Master’s in Public Health from the same institution. In the years following medical...