How can a patient know if they have a peripheral nerve problem? Peripheral nerve injuries often go undiagnosed by the medical establishment. Patients can suffer for years going from doctor to doctor searching for relief. Dr. Tim Tollestrup is a Nevada-based...
Is your sciatica acting up, or do you have piriformis syndrome? You may be surprised at just how much these conditions get confused with one another. If you have chronic pain that radiates through your buttocks and lower back, it could mean that you’re living...
To understand the types of peripheral nerve injuries, let’s first be clear about what peripheral nerves are. Your body’s nerve system includes the central nervous system – brain and spinal cord – and the peripheral nervous system. Peripheral nerves are...
Do you have a burning pain in your thigh and lap that hardly lets up? Your lateral femoral cutaneous nerve runs from a section of the spine in your lower back down your thigh. When this nerve gets compressed, it can show up as tingly, numb pain in your thigh....
Your pelvis is one of the most important headquarters of your body. It does much of the heavy lifting for your mobility and positioning. When it’s functioning properly, you can easily take on your daily tasks of sitting, standing, walking, and relieving yourself. So...
Meralgia Paresthetica is a common problem that can be a complicated pain issue to resolve. In this video we go inside the operating room with Dr. Tim Tollestrup to see how many different nerve anatomy variations there are for Meralgia Paresthetica. It takes a skilled,...