Dec 11, 2018 | Educational Articles, Videos
Nerve Surgeon Discusses What Matters Most to Him with His Work Dr. Tim Tollestrup describes his love of surgery and the intellectual challenge of Peripheral Nerve Surgery. He is always pushing the envelope to discover new surgical solutions for his patients with...
Dec 11, 2018 | Educational Articles, Videos
Dr. Tollestrup and His Mentorship with Dr. Aguila Dr. Tollestrup’s desire to help patients overcome chronic pain extends beyond his operating room. He is a mentor to other peripheral nerve surgeons and willingly shares his innovative procedures and surgical...
Nov 29, 2017 | Educational Articles, Migraine / Chronic Headaches, Success Stories
Excruciating Migraines Wreaked Havoc on Dana’s Life My patient Dana S is sharing her story of overcoming migraines. She endured decades of debilitating pain that compromised her life in countless ways. Luckily, I was able to help her. For that I am grateful....
Jul 11, 2017 | Educational Articles, Videos
Why Peripheral Nerve Surgery Is Not Widely Accepted Why most doctors don’t know about peripheral nerve surgery is a complicated question and is at the heart of why so many of my patients endure unnecessary surgeries and years or chronic pain. In my opinion there...
Jun 22, 2017 | Educational Articles, Videos
The Pull of Peripheral Nerve Surgery Why Dr. Tim Tollestrup Decided to Pursue a Path to Help Patients Relieve Chronic Pain I didn’t find peripheral nerve surgery, it found me…let me explain. From my earliest memories, I was always fascinated by anatomy. I...
Jun 20, 2017 | Educational Articles, Failed Morton's Neuroma Surgery, Success Stories
Foot Drop Caused by Injury to Common Peroneal Nerve Edward suffered a severe Maisonneuve fracture of the left leg. The injury occurred when he planted his left leg hard on the steeply inclined surface of a mountainside. He states that he felt his ankle and leg give...