Sep 30, 2021 | Piriformis Syndrome, Videos
A decade ago, Dr. Tim Tollestrup pioneered the surgery to remove the Piriformis Muscle. Four hundred plus cases later he has changed the lives of hundreds of patients from all over the world who travel to Las Vegas, Nevada to be cured of debilitating Piriformis...
Jul 26, 2021 | Piriformis Syndrome, Success Stories, Videos
Catherine suffered excruciating pain in her buttocks, back, and down her leg. She saw various specialists and endured treatments that either didn’t help or made her pain worse. After researching online she found Dr. Tim Tollestrup in Nevada, far away from her...
Mar 16, 2021 | Piriformis Syndrome, Success Stories
Denise suffered from burning pain in her leg and into her hip for many years. An elite athlete who runs marathons, she was able to run and compete but sitting was agonizing pain. The pain was so bad she considered amputation. Then she researched online and found a...
Jan 7, 2021 | Piriformis Syndrome, Success Stories, Videos
Transcript: Her story starts out with a fall, pretty serious fall, from standing height. She slipped on a wood floor and landed very hard on her left side of her buttock. Two years later, she was getting into her hot tub and just had this sudden onset of severe...
Dec 1, 2020 | Educational Articles, Piriformis Syndrome
You may not know it from its name, but you definitely know it from the movements it facilitates. It’s a small muscle that’s attached to the sacrum, close to the base of the spine. It runs behind your gluteus muscles and attaches to your femur (leg bone) head. If this...
Oct 27, 2020 | Piriformis Syndrome
Piriformis syndrome can affect anyone from an avid jogger to a car-bound taxi driver. The nerves of the lower back and buttocks experience lots of movement and pressure throughout the day. Because they support so much function, they can be prone to serious injury. If...