Aug 1, 2022 | Educational Articles, Piriformis Syndrome
Transcript: One of the big parts of this operation is just getting down to the piriformis muscle, because it’s basically right in the center of the pelvis, this structure. The size of the patient can really make this an easy or a harder endeavor. And what I use...
Aug 1, 2022 | Educational Articles, Piriformis Syndrome, Success Stories
Transcript: Hi, my name is Judy and I live in Virginia. I’ve been suffering from piriformis syndrome for the last 16 years. My problem is I can’t stand long and I can’t walk far without irritating the sciatic nerve. The only way I can get rid of my...
Jul 29, 2022 | Nerve Pain, Piriformis Syndrome, Success Stories, Videos
Sarah was a young athlete in her prime, enjoying high school and excelling in many sports. A nerve injury sidelined her. She languished for months in search of a diagnosis. None of the surgeons she saw understood her pain problem. After months of suffering and...
Jun 1, 2022 | Piriformis Syndrome, Sciatica Pain / Piriformis Syndrome
This particular patient has had a total hip arthroplasty and the pathology in piriformis syndrome is primarily compression of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle. When you have a hip replacement, they will often disconnect the piriformis muscle, and...
Nov 11, 2021 | Piriformis Syndrome, Success Stories, Videos
Catherine suffered for years with excruciating pain in her back, buttocks and shooting down her leg. After dozens of doctors could not diagnose her problem she finally figured out she had Piriformis Syndrome and needed a Peripheral Nerve Surgeon. Enter Dr. Tim...
Oct 25, 2021 | Educational Articles, Piriformis Syndrome, Videos
Piriformis syndrome is a topic that’s near and dear to my heart. It’s an operation that I developed approximately a decade ago. 2011 was first pirifoma surgery muscle removal that I performed and since that time I’ve performed over 400 of these...