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Conditions We Treat

Surgical Pain Relief Treatments

Peripheral Nerve Surgery Treatments

Call now for an appointment to see how we may be able to help
We do not guarantee any specific results or outcomes for surgery, should our practice work on your behalf. Information on this website may be used as a reference for successes we’ve achieved for our patients, and not as an assurance or guarantee for similar results in all instances.
Success Stories
See how we’ve helped change the lives of some of our patients. Hear their stories below:

Complete Relief from Piriformis Syndrome with Pain-Focused Peripheral Nerve Surgery

Mike had complete relief from his Piriformis Syndrome pain after nerve surgery with Dr. Tollestrup. He was good to go immediately after surgery. At...

Complex Peripheral Nerve Patient Hannah

Hannah is a complex peripheral nerve patient. She had piriformis syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, and pronators syndrome. After doctors in her...

Complex Peripheral Nerve Patient with Multiple Nerve Entrapments

This is an important video because it shows how patients with peripheral nerve injuries can be complex with multiple nerve entrapments at different...